/* This file downloaded from Highend3d.com
'' Highend3d.com File Information:
'' Script Name: ks_nameSpaceManager
'' Author:
'' Last Updated: May 30, 2008
'' Update/Change this file at:
'' http://Highend3d.com/maya/downloads/mel_scripts/utility_external/renaming/4923.html
'' Please do not alter any information above this line
'' it is generated dynamically by Highend3d.com and will
'' be changed automatically on any updates.
// ks_NameSpaceManager by Katrin Schmid 2007,
// View, rename or remove up to 7 levels of namespaces.
// Remove empty namespaces only and select objects in namespavce options.
// Rename and keep in hierarchy or move namespace to root namespace.
// Rename and remove is only possible with unreferenced objects.
// You can apply "Make unique names" after removing namespaces to ensure unique object names
// Install: Put ks_nameSpaceManager.mel in you script directory.
// Start the GUI by typing "ks_nameSpaceManager" in the script editor.
// Usage:
// List namespaces, then you can start renaming.
// Apply "Make unique names" after removing namespaces to ensure unique object names
string $allrGlobalsNodes[] = `ls -l -type renderGlobals`; //defaultRenderGlobals
catch(`setAttr -type "string" ($allrGlobalsNodes[0] + ".currentRenderer") "mentalRay"`);
global int $gl_debug;
global proc ks_nameSpaceManager()
global string $gl_frNameSpc;
if (`window -query -exists ks__nSpaceManager`)
deleteUI ks__nSpaceManager;
// Strings declarations
string $title = " ks_NameSpaceManager";
string $sh = "showHelp -absolute \"http://www.lo-motion.de/scripts\"";
window -wh 400 620 -menuBar true
-title $title
-s 1
// Help menue
menu -label "Help" -helpMenu true;
menuItem -label "About" -c $sh;
// Layout
string $form = `formLayout`;
string $child1 = `columnLayout -adjustableColumn true`;
frameLayout -label "" -li 7 -borderStyle "out" -marginHeight 0 -marginWidth 8 -labelAlign "top";
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 1 -columnAlign1 "left" ; // -columnWidth2 230 300
// column 1
columnLayout -rowSpacing 3 -columnWidth 230 col2; //-columnAttach "both" 5
text -align left -w 200 -fn boldLabelFont -label " Check namespaces:";
// text -align left -w 200 -fn boldLabelFont -label "Check name spaces:" ch_ge_namespaces;
radioButtonGrp -l "" -numberOfRadioButtons 3 -columnWidth2 10 230 -p "col2"
-ct2 "left" "left" -select 1 -vr
-labelArray3 "List name spaces" "Remove empty" "Remove all (unreferenced objects)"
// text -label "Rename selected namespace to:";
button -bgc .5 .7 .7 -align "left" -w 155 -l " Check/remove" -c "pa_checkScene()";
// button -align "left" -enable 0 -w 150 -l "add namespace" -c "" bu_addNmspc;
text -align left -w 200 -fn boldLabelFont -label "All namespaces:";
$gl_frNameSpc = `optionMenuGrp -adj 0 -cw 1 4 -enable false -w 170 -cat 1 "left" 0 -cc "" me_nameSpc`;
menuItem -p ($gl_frNameSpc + "|OptionMenu") -l " ";
button -align "left" -enable 0 -w 155 -l " Select objects in namespace" -c "pa_selectObjInNamespaces()" bu_selNmspc;
text -label "";
text -align left -w 200 -fn boldLabelFont -l "Rename selected namespace to:" ;
radioButtonGrp -l "" -numberOfRadioButtons 2 -columnWidth2 1 180 //-p "col3"
-ct2 "left" "left" -select 1 -vr
-labelArray2 "keep namespace hierarchy" "move to root" rbg_hierNmspces;
textField -w 155 tx_renameNmspce;
button -align "left" -enable 0 -w 155 -l "Rename selected namespace" -c "pa_renameNamespace()" bu_renNmspc;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -label "" -li 7 -borderStyle "out" -marginHeight 7 -marginWidth 10 -labelAlign "bottom";
rowLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth2 230 300 -columnAlign1 "left" ;
// column 1
columnLayout -rowSpacing 6 -columnWidth 230 col4; //-columnAttach "both" 5
button -bgc .5 .7 .7 -align "left" -enable 1 -w 155 -l " Rename to unique names" -c "makeUniqueName" bu_uniNm;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -rowSpacing 6 -columnWidth 230 col5; //-columnAttach "both" 5
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
showWindow ks__nSpaceManager;
global proc pa_handleRadio(string $btgrName, int $onOff)
//string $btgrName, int $onOff
radioButtonGrp -e -enable1 $onOff -enable2 $onOff $btgrName;
//////////////////////break connection of given dest attribute
global proc pa_breakConnection(string $destName)
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print ("pa_breakConnection(string $destName)");
if (`connectionInfo -isDestination $destName`)
string $destination = `connectionInfo -getExactDestination $destName`;
string $srcConn[] = `listConnections -s 1 -d 0 -type character $destination`;
if (size($srcConn))
string $warnMsg = ("Removed \'"+ $destination +"\' from character \'" + $srcConn[0]+"\'.");
character -e -rm $srcConn[0] $destination;
string $sArr[1] = `ls -l -ro $destination`;
if (size($sArr))
string $src = `connectionInfo -sourceFromDestination $destination`;
disconnectAttr $src $destination;
delete -icn $destination;
global proc pa_checkScene()
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print ("pa_checkScene()"+"\n");
int $nVal=`radioButtonGrp -q -sl rbg_collNmspces`;
else if($nVal==2)
else if($nVal==3)
global proc pa_selectObjInNamespaces()
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print("pa_selectObjInNamespaces()" +"\n");
select -d;
string $nameSpc =`optionMenuGrp -q -v me_nameSpc`;
if (`size($nameSpc)`!=0 && `namespace -exists (":" + $nameSpc)`)
namespace -set (":" + $nameSpc);
string $objsNamesp[] =`namespaceInfo -dagPath -ls`;
for ($t = 0; $t < size($objsNamesp); $t++)
if (`objExists $objsNamesp[$t]`)
select -add $objsNamesp[$t];
namespace -set ":";
for ($i = 0; $i < size($nameSpaces); $i++)
if ($nameSpaces[$i]!= "UI" && $nameSpaces[$i]!= "shared")
// delete empty
namespace -set (":" + $nameSpaces[$i]);
string $objs[]= `namespaceInfo -ls`;
if (`size($objs)`==0 && `namespace -exists (":" + $nameSpaces[$i])`)
print ("Removed empty namespace: " + $nameSpaces[$i] +"\n");
namespace -set ":";
catch(`namespace -removeNamespace (":" + $nameSpaces[$i])`);
//level 2
$allNameSpc[`size($allNameSpc)`]= $nameSpaces[$i];
string $level2NameSpaces[]= pa_getNamespaces($nameSpaces[$i]);
global proc string[] pa_getNamespaces(string $nameSpace)
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print ("$nameSpace: "+ $nameSpace +"\n");
namespace -set (":" + $nameSpace);
string $nSpaces[]=`namespaceInfo -lon`;
for ($t = 0; $t < size($nSpaces); $t++)
string $objs[]= `namespaceInfo -dagPath -ls`;
if (`size($objs)`== 0 && `namespace -exists $nameSpace`)
print ("Removed empty namespace: " + $nameSpace +"\n");
namespace -removeNamespace (":" + $nameSpace);
string $remove[]={$nameSpace};
stringArrayRemove($remove, $nSpaces);
return $nSpaces;
//namespaceInfo -currentNamespace;
global proc string [] pa_listNamespaces(int $showInMenu)
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print("pa_listNamespaces()" +"\n");
global string $gl_frNameSpc;
string $allNameSpc[];
string $level2NameSpaces[];
string $level3NameSpaces[];
string $level4NameSpaces[];
string $level5NameSpaces[];
string $level6NameSpaces[];
string $level7NameSpaces[];
int $count=0;
if ($showInMenu == 1)
button -e -enable true bu_selNmspc;
button -e -enable true bu_renNmspc;
button -e -enable 0 bu_selNmspc;
button -e -enable 0 bu_renNmspc;
string $menItems[] = `optionMenuGrp -q -itemListLong me_nameSpc`;
for ($t = 0; $t < size($menItems); $t++)
deleteUI $menItems[$t];
namespace -set ":";
string $nameSpaces[] = `namespaceInfo -lon`;
optionMenuGrp -e -enable true me_nameSpc;
for ($i = 0; $i < size($nameSpaces); $i++)
if ($nameSpaces[$i]!= "UI" && $nameSpaces[$i]!= "shared")
// delete empty
namespace -set (":" + $nameSpaces[$i]);
string $objs[]= `namespaceInfo -dagPath -ls`;
if (`size($objs)`==0 && $showInMenu == 0 )
print ("Removed empty namespace: " + $nameSpaces[$i] +"\n");
namespace -set ":";
catch(`namespace -removeNamespace (":" + $nameSpaces[$i])`);
//level 2
$allNameSpc[`size($allNameSpc)`]= $nameSpaces[$i];
$level2NameSpaces= pa_getNamespaces($nameSpaces[$i]);
if ($showInMenu==1)
menuItem -p ($gl_frNameSpc + "|OptionMenu") -l $nameSpaces[$i];
for ($p = 0; $p < size($level2NameSpaces); $p++)
$allNameSpc[`size($allNameSpc)`]= $level2NameSpaces[$p];
if ($showInMenu==1)
menuItem -p ($gl_frNameSpc + "|OptionMenu") -l $level2NameSpaces[$p];
// level 3
for ($f = 0; $f < size($level2NameSpaces); $f++)
// print ("$level2NameSpaces[$f]: " +$level2NameSpaces[$f]+"\n");
$level3NameSpaces= pa_getNamespaces(":" + $level2NameSpaces[$f]);
//print ("$level3NameSpaces:+++++" +"\n");
// print ($level3NameSpaces);
for ($g = 0; $g < size($level3NameSpaces); $g++)
$allNameSpc[`size($allNameSpc)`]= $level3NameSpaces[$g];
if ($showInMenu==1)
menuItem -p ($gl_frNameSpc + "|OptionMenu") -l $level3NameSpaces[$g];
// level 4
for ($h = 0; $h < size($level3NameSpaces); $h++)
// print ("$level3NameSpaces[$f]:+++++ " +$level3NameSpaces[$h]+"\n");
$level4NameSpaces= pa_getNamespaces(":"+$level3NameSpaces[$h]);
// print ("$level4NameSpaces" +"\n");
print ($level4NameSpaces);
for ($u = 0; $u < size($level4NameSpaces); $u++)
$allNameSpc[`size($allNameSpc)`]= $level4NameSpaces[$u];
if ($showInMenu==1)
menuItem -p ($gl_frNameSpc + "|OptionMenu") -l $level4NameSpaces[$u];
// level 5
for ($q = 0; $q < size($level4NameSpaces); $q++)
$level5NameSpaces= pa_getNamespaces(":" +$level4NameSpaces[$q]);
for ($v = 0; $v < size($level5NameSpaces); $v++)
$allNameSpc[`size($allNameSpc)`]= $level5NameSpaces[$v];
if ($showInMenu==1)
menuItem -p ($gl_frNameSpc + "|OptionMenu") -l $level5NameSpaces[$v];
// level 6
for ($b = 0; $b < size($level5NameSpaces); $b++)
$level6NameSpaces= pa_getNamespaces(":" +$level5NameSpaces[$b]);
for ($w = 0; $w < size($level6NameSpaces); $w++)
$allNameSpc[`size($allNameSpc)`]= $level6NameSpaces[$w];
if ($showInMenu==1)
menuItem -p ($gl_frNameSpc + "|OptionMenu") -l $level6NameSpaces[$w];
// level 7
for ($a = 0; $a < size($level6NameSpaces); $a++)
$level7NameSpaces= pa_getNamespaces(":" +$level6NameSpaces[$a]);
for ($x = 0; $x < size($level7NameSpaces); $x++)
$allNameSpc[`size($allNameSpc)`]= $level7NameSpaces[$x];
if ($showInMenu==1)
menuItem -p ($gl_frNameSpc + "|OptionMenu") -l $level7NameSpaces[$x];
radioButtonGrp -e -label2 ("Remove empty: " + $count +" removed.") rbg_collNmspces;
return $allNameSpc;
// move namespace back to root ":"
global proc pa_removeUnrefNamespaces()
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print ("pa_removeUnrefNamespaces()" +"\n");
int $remCount, $notRem=0;
namespace -set ":";
string $allNmspces[] = pa_listNamespaces(0);
string $refNmspces[];
string $refNames[]= `ls -l -type reference`;
for ($i = 0; $i < size($refNames); $i++)
if (`gmatch $refNames[$i] "*sharedReferenceNode*"` == 0 && `gmatch $refNames[$i] "*UNKNOWN_REF_NODE*"`==0)
string $selRefFileUnR = `getAttr ($refNames[$i] + ".fileNames[0]")`;
// string $selRefFileUnR = `referenceQuery -unresolvedName -filename $refNames[$i]`;
//print ("$refNmspces[size($refNmspces)]: " + $refNmspces[`size($refNmspces)`] +"\n");
if (`size($selRefFileUnR)` > 0)
$refNmspces[`size($refNmspces)`]= `file -q -ns $selRefFileUnR`;
string $unrefNamespaces[] = stringArrayRemove($refNmspces, $allNmspces);
for ($p = `size($unrefNamespaces)`;$p >= 0; $p--)
namespace -set ":";
if (`size($unrefNamespaces[$p])`> 0 && `namespace -exists (":"+ $unrefNamespaces[$p])` && $unrefNamespaces[$p]!= ":")
catch(`namespace -force -mv (":"+ $unrefNamespaces[$p]) ":"`);
namespace -set (":"+ $unrefNamespaces[$p]);
string $objsNamesp[] =`namespaceInfo -dagPath -ls`;
namespace -set ":";
if (`size($objsNamesp)`==0)
catch(`namespace -rm $unrefNamespaces[$p]`);
print ("REMOVED:$unrefNamespaces[$p]: "+ $p+ (" :"+ $unrefNamespaces[$p]) +"\n");
print ("NOTFOUND: "+ $p+ (" :"+ $unrefNamespaces[$p]) +"\n");
radioButtonGrp -e -label3 ("Remove all: " + $remCount +" removed, "+ ($notRem-1)+ " not removed.") rbg_collNmspces;
global proc pa_checkReferences()
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print("pa_checkReferences()" +"\n");
// getAttr TestspRN.fileNames[0]
string $selRefFileUnR;
string $selRefFile;
//textScrollList -e -enable true -ra ts_refFound;
//textScrollList -e -enable true -ra ts_refNotFound;
string $refNames[]= `ls -l -type reference`;
for ($i = 0; $i < size($refNames); $i++)
if (`gmatch $refNames[$i] "*sharedReferenceNode*"` == 0 && `gmatch $refNames[$i] "*UNKNOWN_REF_NODE*"`==0)
//$selRefFileUnR = `referenceQuery -unresolvedName -filename $refNames[$i]`;
$selRefFileUnR = `getAttr ($refNames[$i] + ".fileNames[0]")`;
if (`size($selRefFileUnR)` > 0)
$selRefFile = `referenceQuery -filename $refNames[$i]`;
else if (`gmatch $refNames[$i] "*UNKNOWN_REF_NODE*"`)
$selRefFile ="";
$selRefFileUnR =$refNames[$i];
string $bufferPP[];
if (`size($selRefFileUnR)` > 0 && $selRefFile != $selRefFileUnR && `gmatch $refNames[$i] "*sharedReferenceNode*"` == 0)
string $dir= `workspace -q -rd`;
// Result: D:/maya/workflow/
int $numTokensPP = `tokenize $selRefFileUnR "//" $bufferPP`;
print ("Found ref: " +($dir + $bufferPP[$numTokensPP-1])+"\n");
//Found ref: D:/maya/workflow/B_data_3D/Testsp.mb
if ((`filetest -f ($dir + $bufferPP[$numTokensPP-1])`) == 1)
print ("Found ref: " +($refNames[$i]+":" + $selRefFile)+"\n");
// textScrollList -e -append ($bufferPP[$numTokensPP-1]) ts_refFound;
print ("Missing/ empty ref: " +($selRefFileUnR)+"\n");
else if (`gmatch $refNames[$i] "*sharedReferenceNode*"` == 0 )
if ((`filetest -f ($selRefFile)`) == 1)
// textScrollList -e -append ($refNames[$i]+":" + $selRefFile) ts_refFound;
print ("Found ref: " +($refNames[$i]+":" + $selRefFile)+"\n");
// textScrollList -e -append ($refNames[$i] + "c") ts_refNotFound;
print ("Missing ref: " +($selRefFile)+"\n");
global proc pa_renameNamespace()
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print(" pa_renameNamespace()" +"\n");
int $nVal=`radioButtonGrp -q -sl rbg_hierNmspces`;
string $oldNameSpc =`optionMenuGrp -q -v me_nameSpc`;
string $newName =`textField -q -tx tx_renameNmspce`;
string $clName;
if (isValidString($newName, "([a-zA-Z]+)([a-zA-Z0-9_])*")==0)
$clName = substituteAllString($newName, " ", "_");
$clName = $newName;
// print ("$oldNameSpc: "+$oldNameSpc+"\n");
// print ("$clName: "+ $clName+"\n");
string $bufferPP[];
int $numTokensPP = `tokenize $oldNameSpc ":" $bufferPP`;
int $nSize= `size($bufferPP[$numTokensPP-1])`;
int $oSize= `size($oldNameSpc)`;
string $oldNamePath = `substring $oldNameSpc 1 ($oSize-$nSize)`;
namespace -set ":";
if (`namespace -exists (":" + $clName)`)
$clName= $clName +"1";
if(`size($bufferPP)`> 1 && $nVal==1 && `namespace -exists (":"+ $oldNamePath)`)
namespace -add $clName -p (":"+ $oldNamePath);
// print ("t:" +(":"+ $oldNamePath + $clName)+"\n");
if (`namespace -exists (":"+ $oldNamePath + $clName)`)
namespace -f -mv $oldNameSpc (":"+ $oldNamePath + $clName);
namespace -rm $oldNameSpc;
else //if ($nVal==2)
namespace -add ($clName) -p ":" ;
if (`namespace -exists (":"+ $oldNameSpc)` && `namespace -exists (":"+ $clName)`)
print ("hier: " +(":"+$clName)+"\n");
namespace -f -mv (":"+ $oldNameSpc) (":"+ $clName);
namespace -rm $oldNameSpc;
global proc makeUniqueName()
// longNmaeof
global int $gl_debug;
if ($gl_debug)
print ("makeUniqueNames: " +"\n");
namespace -set ":";
string $allobjs[] = `ls -l -tr -mat -tex`;//-tr
for ($i= 0; $i < size($allobjs); $i++)
// print ($i + "$allobjs[$i]: " + $allobjs[$i] +"\n");
int $found=0;
if(`objExists $allobjs[$i]` && $allobjs[$i]!="|front" && $allobjs[$i]!="|persp" && $allobjs[$i]!="|top" && $allobjs[$i]!="|side")
string $buffer[];
tokenize $allobjs[$i] "|" $buffer;
string $shortNameI = $buffer[`size($buffer)`-1];
for ($t= 0; $t < size($allobjs); $t++)
string $buffer1[];
tokenize $allobjs[$t] "|" $buffer1;
string $shortNameT = $buffer1[`size($buffer1)`-1];
if (`objExists $allobjs[$t]` && $i!=$t && $shortNameI == $shortNameT && `referenceQuery -isNodeReferenced $allobjs[$t]`== 0)
int $check[]=`lockNode -q -lock $allobjs[$t]`;
if ($check[0] ==1)
lockNode -lock 0 $allobjs[$t];
string $newName1 = "";
int $n = 0;
select -r $allobjs[$t];
if ($n = catchQuiet($newName1 = `rename($shortNameT + "#")`))
print ("Cannot rename.T +"+$shortNameT+"\n");
print ("Renamed.T "+$shortNameT+"\n");
if ($n==0)
string $longNewNameI[] =`ls -l -sl`;
$allobjs[$t]= $longNewNameI[0];
Monday, 2 November 2009
reinitialise setup machine menu script
if (`objExists TSM2FKIKSwitch`)
delete TSM2FKIKSwitch;
if (`menu -exists TSM2ControlsMenu`) deleteUI -menu TSM2ControlsMenu;
string $path = `pluginInfo -q -path "TSM2"`;
$path = (dirname($path) + "/TSM2/FKIK.mel");
int $file = `fopen $path "r"`;
string $fkikScript = "";
string $nextLine = `fgetline $file`;
while(size($nextLine) > 0) {
$fkikScript += $nextLine;
$nextLine = `fgetline $file`;
fclose $file;
$path = `pluginInfo -q -path "TSM2"`;
$path = (dirname($path) + "/TSM2/TSM2_mirrorPose.mel");
int $file = `fopen $path "r"`;
string $mirrorScript = "";
string $nextLine = `fgetline $file`;
while(size($nextLine) > 0) {
$mirrorScript += $nextLine;
$nextLine = `fgetline $file`;
fclose $file;
$mirrorScript += "\n\nTSM2_mirrorPose;";
string $afterScript = "if (`menu -exists TSM2ControlsMenu`) deleteUI -menu TSM2ControlsMenu";
string $beforeScript;
$beforeScript = "doEnableNodeItems false all; doEnableNodeItems true all;\n";
$beforeScript += "menu -to true -label \"TSM Controls\" -parent $gMainWindow TSM2ControlsMenu;";
$beforeScript += ("menuItem -label \"FKIK Switch\" -command \"" + (encodeString($fkikScript)) + "\";");
$beforeScript += ("menuItem -label \"Refresh Rig\" -command \"doEnableNodeItems false all; doEnableNodeItems true all;\";");
$beforeScript += ("menuItem -label \"Mirror Pose\" -command \"" + (encodeString($mirrorScript)) + "\";");
scriptNode -st 2 -bs $beforeScript -as $afterScript -n TSM2FKIKSwitch;
scriptNode -executeBefore TSM2FKIKSwitch;
delete TSM2FKIKSwitch;
if (`menu -exists TSM2ControlsMenu`) deleteUI -menu TSM2ControlsMenu;
string $path = `pluginInfo -q -path "TSM2"`;
$path = (dirname($path) + "/TSM2/FKIK.mel");
int $file = `fopen $path "r"`;
string $fkikScript = "";
string $nextLine = `fgetline $file`;
while(size($nextLine) > 0) {
$fkikScript += $nextLine;
$nextLine = `fgetline $file`;
fclose $file;
$path = `pluginInfo -q -path "TSM2"`;
$path = (dirname($path) + "/TSM2/TSM2_mirrorPose.mel");
int $file = `fopen $path "r"`;
string $mirrorScript = "";
string $nextLine = `fgetline $file`;
while(size($nextLine) > 0) {
$mirrorScript += $nextLine;
$nextLine = `fgetline $file`;
fclose $file;
$mirrorScript += "\n\nTSM2_mirrorPose;";
string $afterScript = "if (`menu -exists TSM2ControlsMenu`) deleteUI -menu TSM2ControlsMenu";
string $beforeScript;
$beforeScript = "doEnableNodeItems false all; doEnableNodeItems true all;\n";
$beforeScript += "menu -to true -label \"TSM Controls\" -parent $gMainWindow TSM2ControlsMenu;";
$beforeScript += ("menuItem -label \"FKIK Switch\" -command \"" + (encodeString($fkikScript)) + "\";");
$beforeScript += ("menuItem -label \"Refresh Rig\" -command \"doEnableNodeItems false all; doEnableNodeItems true all;\";");
$beforeScript += ("menuItem -label \"Mirror Pose\" -command \"" + (encodeString($mirrorScript)) + "\";");
scriptNode -st 2 -bs $beforeScript -as $afterScript -n TSM2FKIKSwitch;
scriptNode -executeBefore TSM2FKIKSwitch;
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