Sunday, 16 January 2011

January is half done...

So far I've not made much progress on my "resolutions". I'm still resolved to get 'em done though.
I've also been bringing my own lunch into work most days and more or less spending all the savings on coffee :)

Life drawing seems to be sorted - had a decent session last week. Just need to document some of the sketches somewhere. I did have an idea to do some sort of super short animation for CNY but I keep getting distracted by work, general slack & games. Perhaps I should finalise a storyboard before deciding anything else.

Decided to try out Lovefilm for a few months. It's all free for now :) Working through many highbrow Criterion collection dvds. (oh and Milk was rather good!) Not entirely sure how this is going to be beneficial to unslacking - but I suppose it's better than browsing the web aimlessly in the evenings. It's also nice that it keeps a record of everything you've watched.

Tried to learn a bit of Python this seems to save some time with certain programming procedures (loops especially), so I just have to keep familiarising myself with it, find some sort of Python for dummies exercise book.

Onward to a new week! I'm cautiously optimistic about it...and if I'm ready for what it might bring!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

First!11one (of the year)

Before making a whole bunch of new resolutions/targets/goals/plans let's take a look at what happened with last year's!

  1. Jump onto the indie development bandwagon. Be it a cruddy game or a half assed app it's something I feel is worth doing. At the very least I'll gain some programming experience. I've signed up for a free XNA creator club account and sat through 2 hours of tutorials to get the ball-a-rolling on this 'un. Short story -TAKES TOO MUCH TIME. IS BORING. I find it quite hard to be enthused by other people's ideas when they aren't particularly good. This applies to other projects - including animated shorts which I did invest a bit of time in. Bah!
  2. Start drawing again, as well as developing series/shorts ideas. Keep an actual organised and documented could be on this blog?! Found a new life drawing venue, and I'm not too rusty, though the real challenge is to keep going even in crappy weather & after a boring day of work.
  3. That leads me to the subject of this blog.... I'll aim to actually keep it updated with stuff that isn't just code stolen from other sites (though there'll be plenty of that). No real progress here, though I do leave better explanations for what the code is.
  4. Leave the country at least twice. Done! Went thrice! Berlin, Trento & San Francisco!
  5. ??? Lots of this :)
  6. Profit Ho hum...

So on to this year's naive list..I'm going to split them into two categories. Personal & Work.

  1. Produce two short films.
  2. Learn new stuff! Python perhaps, or refamiliarise myself with 3dsMax, Houdini or something? Oh and Zbrush..and Vray.
  3. Get a new job/career.
  4. Keep daily Firefox browsing average to under an hour! Draw in downtime and not slack lolz.
  5. Make some cash monies outside of main job (photography I hope)
  1. More holidays/travel! Last year I managed 3, this year I need to have at least 4, or die trying (doesn't necessarily have to be abroad)
  2. Go to more music gigs, cultural events.
  3. Acquire a new skill of some sort..(driving? new sport, tailoring! diy?)
  4. New hobby (could be linked to 2)
  5. Maintain Inverse Panda blog with frequent updates
  6. Finish two substantially sized paintings.
  7. Decide.