Friday, 13 March 2015

particle kill field, maya sorta

stolen from somewhere...

Maya doesn’t have any such thing as a ‘killField’, so were are going to hack one using a uniform field node. Select the particles, then create the uniform fieldRename the uniform to killFieldSet these settings:
Magnitude = 0.001
Attenuation = 0.0
Direction = 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
Volume shape = cube

When you have the particle selected and you create a field in Maya, the field is automatically connected to the particles. Now that the uniform field is created,scale it up in the scene so it is underneath where the particles are falling as I’ve done here:
In the particle attibute editor, change the lifespan mode to lifespanPP.

Now that we understand that, lets create a particle expression to tell Maya what to do with this killField. Open the attribute editor for the particle system, right click on lifespanPP in the per particle (Array) attributes section and choose ‘Creation expression’. Now add this expression:
if (mag(inputForce[0]) >= 0.001)
lifespanPP = 0.0;

Sunday, 1 March 2015

mel script to fix octane render bullshit messing up hypershade..

optionVar -remove "renderNodeTypeTreeInitializeUserProc";
optionVar -remove "renderNodeTreeInitializeUserProc";