Combine multiple curves in Maya as one piece through MEL script (
parent -r -s
now you can make crazy multi curve nurb controls etc.
Combine multiple curves in Maya as one piece through MEL script (
parent -r -s
now you can make crazy multi curve nurb controls etc.
python - Number/Version Paddings in Maya - Stack Overflow
don't know why I've never really had to do this before heh. Watch out for the backticks. The python bit really wants the ' and not the `, but then the mel bit really wants the `. sigh.
Also hilarious that you have to use a python function for this.
$padding = 3;
$num = 5;
string $pad = `python ("'%0"+$padding+"d' % "+$num)`;
// Results is: 005
Don't know why I always forget this, but here's a mel script to select things with wildcards...
select -r "ballShape*";
Maya 2020 UV Sets infuriating - need help : Maya (
sometimes you need to kill uv maps, you have to move the one you want to delete so it isn't at the top of the list - it can only be moved if you use the UV Toolkit mode - right at the bottom of the tabs there'll be a UV Sets rollout that lets you do so & delete the offending sets. VERY SHITTY.
from cgtalk forum poster - Darksuit
CGTalk | Auto-create joint chain along spline? (
just in case -
changing the orientation on the joints should be easy enough look to the script for
this line
change the oj=“xyz” to the orientation you need… more than likely you are looking for “xzy”.
The import maya.cmds as cmds line imports the MEL script commands to python. There are some differences, but there is a lot of good documentation, and a number of references out there.
as for reorienting the joints. change the following line i=1 in the last block to i=0 that will start the orientation at the base joint instead of the second joint. A lot of times I leave the base joint aligned to world for my own uses.
import maya.cmds as cmds
# array of selected objects
sel = selection=True )
# name of the curve to convert
lastSelect = int(len(sel)) -1
curveSel = sel[lastSelect]
# print lastSelect
#print curveSel
#find the number of CVs (Degree + Spans)
numCVs = int(cmds.getAttr (curveSel+'.degree'))+ (cmds.getAttr (curveSel+'.spans'))
#print numCVs
# selection must be clear
#For each CV in the Curve create a joint.
while 1:
if not ( i < numCVs ):
cvPosition = (cmds.getAttr (curveSel+'.cv['+(str(i))+']'))
if (i == 0):
cmds.joint(n=curveSel+'_jointRoot',p = cvPosition[0])
if (i == (numCVs-1)):
cmds.joint(n=curveSel+'_jointEnd', p = cvPosition[0])
if(i>0)and(i != numCVs-1):
cmds.joint(n=curveSel+'_joint_'+(str(i)),p = cvPosition[0])
# reorient the joints
while 1:
if not (i < numCVs-1):
#find the name of the current Joint
currentJoint = (curveSel+'_joint_'+(str(i)))
nnJointsOnCurve for Maya - Free Character Scripts / Plugins Downloads for Maya (
JUST in case this vanishes... puts joints on a curve. v useful and simple
/////////////////////////////// nnJointsOnCurve /////////////////////////////////
// Scripted by -Nilesh Jadhav
// 27-07-2010
// -------------- This script generates joint chain on selected Curve ---------------
////////////////////////// UI Designing for nnJointOnCurve /////////////////////////
if (`window -exists curveJoint`)
deleteUI "curveJoint";
window -t "nnJointsOnCurve" -w 200 -h 200 -mnb 1 -mxb 0 -s 1 curveJoint;
columnLayout -adj 1 -columnAttach "both" 1 -rowSpacing 10 -columnWidth 250;
intFieldGrp -l"Number of Joints" numberInt;
checkBoxGrp -l"Rebuild the Curve" rebuildCheck;
text -l "Select the Curve and press the Button" -fn "smallBoldLabelFont" ;
button -l"<< Add Joint Chain on Curve >>" -h 30 -c ("nnJointsOnCurve()") goButton;
text -l"Scripted by - Nilesh Jadhav" -bgc 1 1 1;
showWindow curveJoint;
///////////////////////////////////// Procedure ////////////////////////////////////////////////
global proc nnJointsOnCurve()
string $sel []=`ls -sl`;
string $curve =$sel [0];
string $check =`checkBoxGrp -q -v1 rebuildCheck`;
if ($check==1 )
rebuildCurve -rt 0 -s 25;
string $lcr []=`spaceLocator`;
string $loc =$lcr [0];
string $path =`pathAnimation -stu 1 -etu 1000 -f on $curve $loc `;
int $numbers []=`intFieldGrp -q -v numberInt`;
float $locPos []=`xform -q -ws -t $loc`;
int $divFacter =1000 / $numbers [0];
select -cl;
$i=`currentTime -q`;
for ($i=1; $i<1000; $i=$i+$divFacter) //--------- Loop to make joint chain
currentTime $i;
float $lcPos []=`xform -q -ws -t locator1`;
string $joints =`joint -a -p $lcPos [0] $lcPos [1] $lcPos [2]`;
string $selJoint []=`ls -sl`;
string $jnt =$selJoint [0];
$i =1;
for ( $i=1; $i<$numbers[0]+1; $i++) //--------- loop for getting 1st joint
pickWalk -d up;
joint -e -oj xyz -secondaryAxisOrient yup -ch -zso;
delete $path;
delete $loc;
currentTime -e 1;