nnJointsOnCurve for Maya - Free Character Scripts / Plugins Downloads for Maya (highend3d.com)
JUST in case this vanishes... puts joints on a curve. v useful and simple
/////////////////////////////// nnJointsOnCurve /////////////////////////////////
// Scripted by -Nilesh Jadhav
// 27-07-2010
// -------------- This script generates joint chain on selected Curve ---------------
////////////////////////// UI Designing for nnJointOnCurve /////////////////////////
if (`window -exists curveJoint`)
deleteUI "curveJoint";
window -t "nnJointsOnCurve" -w 200 -h 200 -mnb 1 -mxb 0 -s 1 curveJoint;
columnLayout -adj 1 -columnAttach "both" 1 -rowSpacing 10 -columnWidth 250;
intFieldGrp -l"Number of Joints" numberInt;
checkBoxGrp -l"Rebuild the Curve" rebuildCheck;
text -l "Select the Curve and press the Button" -fn "smallBoldLabelFont" ;
button -l"<< Add Joint Chain on Curve >>" -h 30 -c ("nnJointsOnCurve()") goButton;
text -l"Scripted by - Nilesh Jadhav" -bgc 1 1 1;
showWindow curveJoint;
///////////////////////////////////// Procedure ////////////////////////////////////////////////
global proc nnJointsOnCurve()
string $sel []=`ls -sl`;
string $curve =$sel [0];
string $check =`checkBoxGrp -q -v1 rebuildCheck`;
if ($check==1 )
rebuildCurve -rt 0 -s 25;
string $lcr []=`spaceLocator`;
string $loc =$lcr [0];
string $path =`pathAnimation -stu 1 -etu 1000 -f on $curve $loc `;
int $numbers []=`intFieldGrp -q -v numberInt`;
float $locPos []=`xform -q -ws -t $loc`;
int $divFacter =1000 / $numbers [0];
select -cl;
$i=`currentTime -q`;
for ($i=1; $i<1000; $i=$i+$divFacter) //--------- Loop to make joint chain
currentTime $i;
float $lcPos []=`xform -q -ws -t locator1`;
string $joints =`joint -a -p $lcPos [0] $lcPos [1] $lcPos [2]`;
string $selJoint []=`ls -sl`;
string $jnt =$selJoint [0];
$i =1;
for ( $i=1; $i<$numbers[0]+1; $i++) //--------- loop for getting 1st joint
pickWalk -d up;
joint -e -oj xyz -secondaryAxisOrient yup -ch -zso;
delete $path;
delete $loc;
currentTime -e 1;