, lets not say firstly...I think its the only real problem I have with the film.. - Kirk finds himself on a frozen world and encounters a questionable monster. Logically speaking (heh), creatures dwelling in such cold climates have adapted to their surroundings. Penguins, polar bears, arctic foxes..they all have features which allow them to live long and prosper (yes I'm on a roll). So Kirk is being chased by a snow-baboon thing. It is white and furry, as you'd expect it to be. Then all of a sudden, a GIANT RED ANT from the Lost Planet videogame jumps out of the cold water and bites it up.
Right - How many animals that live in cold climates are coloured red? How many insectoids do you see thriving in cold climates, let alone surviving underwater laying in wait for snow-baboons? Sorry Mr Abrams, but for future director cuts of this movie, please colour this creature appropriately.