Work...Produce two short films. Whatev's
- Learn new stuff! Python perhaps, or refamiliarise myself with 3dsMax, Houdini or something? Oh and Zbrush..and Vray. Well, I haven't learned any of the mentioned stuff, but I am pretty handy with Nuke now... That's sort of a success :)
- Get a new job/career. Yup. Freelancing now. So far, so good. Tick.
- Keep daily Firefox browsing average to under an hour! Draw in downtime and not slack lolz. Lol wut
- Make some cash monies outside of main job (photography I hope) Still not sure how to do this!
More holidays/travel! Last year I managed 3, this year I need to have at least 4, or die trying (doesn't necessarily have to be abroad) New York...not much else..sigh
- Go to more music gigs, cultural events. Not so many gigs this year, but a fair few cultural thingies
- Acquire a new skill of some sort..(driving? new sport, tailoring! diy?) Nadda
- New hobby (could be linked to 2) Nadda
- Maintain Inverse Panda blog with frequent updates Well, I've started up a tumblr that sort of counts
- Finish two substantially sized paintings. I've finished many insubstantially sized ones...A winrar am I.
- Decide. Can't actually remember what I'm supposed to decide on. But I think I'll stay in the UK for the time being.