Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Resolving resolutions

Since 2011 is coming to an end, let us see how I did..
Work...Produce two short films. Whatev's

  1. Learn new stuff! Python perhaps, or refamiliarise myself with 3dsMax, Houdini or something? Oh and Zbrush..and Vray. Well, I haven't learned any of the mentioned stuff, but I am pretty handy with Nuke now... That's sort of a success :)
  2. Get a new job/career. Yup. Freelancing now. So far, so good. Tick.
  3. Keep daily Firefox browsing average to under an hour! Draw in downtime and not slack lolz. Lol wut
  4. Make some cash monies outside of main job (photography I hope) Still not sure how to do this!
More holidays/travel! Last year I managed 3, this year I need to have at least 4, or die trying (doesn't necessarily have to be abroad) New York...not much else..sigh
  1. Go to more music gigs, cultural events. Not so many gigs this year, but a fair few cultural thingies
  2. Acquire a new skill of some sort..(driving? new sport, tailoring! diy?) Nadda
  3. New hobby (could be linked to 2) Nadda
  4. Maintain Inverse Panda blog with frequent updates Well, I've started up a tumblr now..so that sort of counts
  5. Finish two substantially sized paintings. I've finished many insubstantially sized ones...A winrar am I.
  6. Decide. Can't actually remember what I'm supposed to decide on. But I think I'll stay in the UK for the time being.