Unlike the majority of England, I am still not back to work/school. I've actually still got ten days of leave leftover from last year to use up! I think I might take off every Wednesday again.. That's over 2 months of hilarious broken weeks! Well, that's if my work schedule will allow it (it won't).
Two days ago I finished up the first XNA 2d game tutorial. I've now completed a cruddy cannon-points-at-spaceships-and-destroys-them game. It should be noted that I've not touched proper programming for about 5 years, bar a few bits of MEL scripting...which doesn't really count.
Object oriented programming is sort of making sense to me now. Classes are essentially magic structs that can contain everything. I wish our lecturers just said that back at uni.... Or maybe they did and I was just too busy doodling.
Stealth fake-update : this site is useful
So how else have I been wasti- spending my time off?
I have been exploring the underground ruins, the sprawling wastelands and insignificant potholes of Washington DC. Yes...... I've been playing Fallout 3 (yes, I'm late to the party). Despite my best attempts not to loot everything and anyone that crosses my path (in the game), my borderline OCD compels me to collect everything of value. Broken assault rifle? I can fix it up & sell it.. Motorcycle engine? I can fix it up & sell it.. Hockey mask? I can - yeah there's a clear pattern here.
Within the game you're able to carry a defined weight before you become over-encumbered and are reduced to walking at a snail's pace. I often find myself in this state, so what do I do? Drop some excess junk and carry on? NO WAY! I resort to taking strength enhancing drugs OH YEAAAH!
I think if the worst comes to the worst and there was some sort of nuclear holocaust I would have a great career as a scavenger-repairman. Fallout 3 should serially be used as post apocalypse training.
Also, it's snowing! Just got back from the doctor, my knee x-ray came back all clear so they're sending me off to get an MRI scan. Maybe this time I'll gain super powers, or at the very least they'll get to the irking pain in my leg.