So, how will I rectify these problems? Well the moping around is definitely temporary. Changes have occured in my personal life. Ties have been severed, tough decisions made and I'm all for moving onward & upwards.
The real challenge lies within the procrastination and sleeps. The internet is a horrible force of man-made nature (let's call it MaMa Nature - OMG I'm on some sort of cylindrical object here, maybe I'll call it a "roll"). It provides us with inspiration, knowledge and is a bounty of joy. On the flip side it also robs us of time and concentration. Time which we could be spending doing what we're supposed to be doing, or more importantly want to be doing.
I'm certainly not a workslave. In fact I despise the idea of "work". It is another farce of MaMa Nature, that is only present to keep the gears of our tax hungry clockwork government slick and greasy. We look forward to payday every lunacy and you'd be wise to know that they're rubbing their hands with just as much anticipation.
I've lost my train of thought. The internet has distracted me once more.. I'll finish this post one day! (This is due to part laziness, but then again it does prove my point about the internet being bad for you)