To shame future Dave into recognising how lazy/unproductive/unmotivated he is, I shall list a few things I intend on doing this year, which currently seem like good ideas.
- Jump onto the indie development bandwagon. Be it a cruddy game or a half assed app it's something I feel is worth doing. At the very least I'll gain some programming experience. I've signed up for a free XNA creator club account and sat through 2 hours of tutorials to get the ball-a-rolling on this 'un.
- Start drawing again, as well as developing series/shorts ideas. Keep an actual organised and documented could be on this blog?!
- That leads me to the subject of this blog.... I'll aim to actually keep it updated with stuff that isn't just code stolen from other sites (though there'll be plenty of that).
- Leave the country at least twice.
- ???
- Profit
Paper out.