Friday 29 August 2014

ZBrush shit

zbrush  notes depository

alt l-click pans, let go of alt and you zoom
transpose can be used to generate masks.. ctrl click from the edge of object, inwards toward the centre..
hit alt and drag the middle transpose circle for a curve transform

more masking/isolation - ctrl+shift clicking isolates a polygroup (seems easiest to auto polygroup when things aren't working as you'd expect). If you then click and drag (with c+s held) the inverse isolation will be displayed. You can then ctrl+shift click on other polygroups/objects to be added to the hidden objects (c+s+drag click to invert again). Combining this with normal ctrl-click masking and inverting is an "efficient" way to move things/isolate specific bits in zbrush...

boolean (subtractive) A- B (dynamesh)

  • have subTool A and B set to Dynamesh. A should be above B
  • subTool B should be set to difference (the Venn diagram style icon)
  • In polygroups for subTool B, select group as Dynamesh Sub
  • Merge down, 
  • Finally Ctrl-click somewhere in the document to force Dynamesh to refresh and the boolean should be complete.
To perform the same without using dynamesh, set the venn diagram bits appropriately and hit remesh.. I find ticking off the xyz options on this button makes it work as you expect. Results aren't as nice as the dynamesh version..

using the move tool with the Brushes>Curve>Accucurve option toggled is a nice way to pull out spiky points